Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The beginning of the end... or the end of the beginning?

I'm graduating in 11 days. 11 FREAKING DAYS!!!

I've known that this was coming for months... for years, but it didn't fully hit me until just recently.

Today as I was finishing a paper for my Internet Marketing class, I realized that this paper was the last one I would ever write in college. Then I started thinking about all of the other "lasts" that will be happening in the next 11 days, and even worse, the "lasts" that have already happened without me noticing.

I have been so incredibly busy with my capstone and other classes, I haven't had time to really comprehend that my college career is VERY close to being over.

I hear people reminisce about their college days, and people always say to enjoy it while it lasts... But somehow, I'm afraid that I haven't done everything I should have done or taken advantage of the things I should have.

It's like after you graduate high school... there's no possible way you could ever be the same person as you were before.

I know it will be the same way with college, but it's scary because I have no idea who I am going to become.

A few months or years from now, I will look back at the "good 'ole days," but I will never be able to relive these moments. Things will never be the same.

Although this post sounds really depressing, that isn't my the truth of my emotions. The truth is that I don't know how I feel. The mix of emotions in my head and heart are something I've never felt before...

I am excited in many ways to be finished with the useless homework, and I'm definitely ready to be done paying for tuition and books. I am anxious about my future and finding a job that will challenge and provide for me. I am sad that I will not see many of my friends for long periods of time - and I know there are some I will never see again. And I am worried that I have forgotten something...

Mostly right now I am nostalgic.

I feel like I'm in limbo - between my youth and my adulthood... between yesterday and tomorrow... between the end of college and the beginning of something called "life."

I'm not even going to attempt to resolve this limbo... For now, I am just going to be.

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