Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 2: Or is it Day 1? I don't think we ever saw nighttime...

Wednesday, June 3 – 9:25 p.m. – Leiden time

We made it to Leiden! It really took us planes, trains and automobiles. And it was actually quite fortunate, because we had no directions or instruction from Central. Good thing Allison and I were together!

We took the train from Schipol Airport to Leiden Centraal. Then, we took a ride in a Mercedes-Benz taxi. I was amazed by the number of bikes!! I knew there would be a lot, but I truly think there are more bikes than people here.

After a short meeting with the group, we were dismissed for dinner. Allison and I walked around with two other girls: Madison and Lauren. They go to school in Texas and Philadelphia, respectively.

With no direction, it was actually quite difficult to find a place for dinner. Many planes close early, and we can’t read Dutch to see what’s on the menu. We finally decided on a pizzeria, and even that proved difficult. After eating our meal, we encountered a culture difference – we didn’t know how to get our check and pay! We didn’t know if we should wait or if we should ask for it or if we should go up to the counter. We ended up doing 2 of the 3 – asking AND going up to the counter.

Another thing I noticed about the bikes was that none of them are locked!! I’d heard that, if you were going to have a bike, you would need 2 or 3 locks, but that’s not the case here! There are hundreds of bikes along the street, and I don’t know if I’ve seen any that are locked up.

I’ve also seen 3 cats… =)

This evening was fairly relaxed. Everyone was tired from their travel, so I set up my room in the dorm. We all have single bedrooms with a shared bathroom area and kitchen. The rooms are actually quite nice, and the building is high-tech and secure. We have magnetic keys that get us in the front (sliding glass) doors, up the elevator and into our rooms. Then, once we’re in the room, the magnetic key goes in a credit card reader-looking thing, and it gives power to the room. Pretty snazzy.

My room... not quite all set up yet.

The view out my window... so pretty!

We still haven’t gotten the Internet to work, so this post will actually be posted at a later time than I am writing it. We were assured that wireless would be available pretty much everywhere, and so far… nothing.

We will probably have to go to the store and get a cable tomorrow. Who knows where that store is though?!

I’m feeling a little lonely right now, but I think things will get better once we get into the groove of things. It was a bit overwhelming today, and I’m still not sure if it’s hit me that I’m in Europe for a month… but it will.

Tonight though, I have to go to sleep in my lonely room. The sun is still up, but everyone else in the program went to sleep a while ago. Sigh… Wish me luck!

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