Thursday, June 4, 2009

A few other details...

A few things I forgot to mention were that I slept really weird the first night...

I woke up at 10:49 and was SURE that it was morning. I heard people in the hall and knew I had to get up, but I couldn't understand why my phone said that time. So I got up and came to my computer, and it said the same thing.

It turns out that it WASN'T morning, and I had actually only been asleep for about an hour. Somehow, it felt like I'd slept for 3 weeks.

It also stays light out amazingly late here... I wasn't awake to see it the first night, but I heard that it didn't get dark until 10:30 or 10:45 pm. It was true! Last night, we left the building around 10:30 and it was still decently light outside... Crazy!

Well, those were a few things I remembered as I was falling asleep last night... Today is graphic design and another Leiden tour!

Duii (at least that's how it sounds... it means 'bye-bye')

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