Monday, June 8, 2009

First full week of classes

Originally uploaded by _sealion
This is a picture Madison took in Leiden the other day. Her caption is that it describes me perfectly... camera and all. -- I thought that was funny!

Today was another good day!

We got up early, and a group walked to our now routine koffie shop. (I decided to use the dutch spelling to represent the coffee coffee.)

Our class today was graphic design, and we finally got to forget about the lions that we've been using up until now. Our assignment this week is character, so were were supposed to create two collages...

The first was a collage of images that remind you of a person you know using images that you created (drew). I chose Chris, and his collage included items like Hank (the cat), music notes, a disc and a disc golf pin, a baton, a tent, a motorcycle, the cubs logo, a passport, sunflower seeds, the Apple logo, the Corvette logo, a grill spatula, a conductor's stick a tie and a moon (he's a night owl). We drew the images and then cut them out and arranged them into a collage.

Our second assignment was to create a collage in photoshop of images representing an invented/made up person using images from the Web. This was actually more difficult, because we had to completely make up who this person was and what they were interested in. It was an interesting assignment, though, and our homework is to finish it for next week.

We tried to eat lunch at a Mexican restaurant, but it was closed, so we went to a nice little restaurant on one of the canals. It is a glass pyramid-like building, so it had a great view!

We did a little shopping (groceries and postcards) in the afternoon and then made dinner and hung out in the evening. A few of us walked around for a while, and it was still beautiful outside at like 10:00 (or I mean 22:00).

It was a good day, but we're a bit overwhelmed because we're trying to figure out our travel plans for the rest of the trip. It is more difficult that we assumed to figure out the trains, planes and other devices that would get us to our destinations!

Tomorrow we have our first photography class and then have a roadtrip to Amersfoort... I'll let you know what that is tomorrow! =)

Last night, Madison and I went around Leiden taking night photos... here's my favorite:

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