Thursday, June 18, 2009

Official halfway point

I have officially reached the halfway point of my time in the Netherlands...

It seems crazy that it's already been 17.5 days, but I also can't believe that we only have another 2 1/2 weeks left! I have done some incredible things, but there is still a lot of time to make memories.

This weekend will be a really great chance for some good ones... Tomorrow (Friday) we're planning a trip to Nationaal Park De Hoge Veluwe. It is near Arnhem in Eastern Netherlands. The park is one of the largest in the country, and inside it, there is a museum called the Kroller-Muller. It is famous for it's Van Gogh collection, among others.

There is also a famous sculpture garden and the world's only soil museum that takes you underground to look at hundreds of years old roots and stuff. To top it all off, they have bikes that visitors can use for free!

Allison, Emily, Madison, Lauren, Doug and I are going. We have to take two trains and two buses for the 2ish hour trip, but I think it will be worth it!

Some of us are also planning on going back to Amsterdam on Saturday to do some of the things we didn't get to last time. We're going to the NEMO science museum and the big art museum, the Rijksmuseum. We're also planning time for shopping and exploring!

Today wasn't very exciting... We had drawing class, and then Allison and I went shopping at a few stores in Leiden. We came back, made lunch, had time to do our own stuff for a while, talked about the weekend, made dinner and watched a movie!

There should be lots of fun pictures tomorrow!

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