Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Oh, how I will miss this place...

Yesterday and today were my last two days of classes... now all we have is presenting our final project on Friday!

During graphic design class yesterday, Matthijs scared everyone by starting us on an assignment to design a portfolio. Nobody had ever heard of this, and we have enough going on with our final projects, so we were freaking... but it wasn't really an assignment. These teachers are crazy!

After class, each person had a little meeting with Matthijs and Lotte to discuss our final project. It has to incorporate two of the disciplines and many of the things we worked on throughout the semester. I'm doing a documentary-style photography and graphic piece that candidly looks at common people and imagines what their story might be. I'm really excited, because the idea really clicks for me.

I finished up my photography assignment for Tuesday and then walked around and went to the grocery store. Our group ate dinner, looked through pictures and went to the grocery store. Then we watched Hercules... yes, Disney's Hercules. We were having a craving!

I tried to do some laundry and failed miserably... I think my clothes smell worse than they did when I started, and some of them were still dripping wet when I took them out of the dryer after 3 hours... It was not pleasant.

Today, we had photography class. We showed our assignments, which were to make the reconstructions... This is how mine turned out:

After class, we went to the antique jewelry store, where I got another necklace. Then, I walked to the art supply store to see if they have the materials I want for my final project.

It's really nice, because I can be working on my project all of the time when I walk around. I just use my little camera by my side and snap pictures! (I used to think this was creepy, but since I've been here, I've found out that many artists have done way creepier things and have been praised for it.)

Tonight, a group of us went to dinner at a resturant on a canal. They have small barges attached to the sides of the canal, and they have tables on the barges. It's actually quite quaint.

We really wanted to eat on the boat, but all of the canal restaurants were packed, so we took the first table we could get, which was right next to the boat. It was fun to finally do something we've been yearning to do this whole time.

Now I'm working on my project... Deciding if I need to go take more pictures. I don't think it will be terribly difficult to finish, but I don't have a grasp of the whole process quite yet... Wish me luck!

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