I recently came across a blog post titled "100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About." After reading through it, there were some that definitely struck a cord with me and others that (being 20 years younger than the author) I've already missed out on...
Here are the 30 that stuck with me along with a few I added... I'd love to hear others if you have additions!
- Inserting a VHS tape into a VCR to watch a movie or to record something.
- Playing music on an audio tape using a personal stereo. See what happens when you give a Walkman to today’s teenager.
- Rotary dial televisions with no remote control. You know, the ones where the kids were the remote control.
- That there was a time before ‘reality TV.’
- The scream of a modem connecting.
- 5- and 3-inch floppies, Zip Discs and countless other forms of data storage.
- DOS.
- Screens being just green (or orange) on black.
- Blowing the dust out of a NES cartridge in the hopes that it’ll load this time.
- Having to delete something to make room on your hard drive.
- Finding out information from an encyclopedia.
- Using a road atlas to get from A to B.
- Doing bank business only when the bank is open. And shopping only during the day, Monday to Saturday.
- Not knowing exactly what all of your friends are doing and thinking at every moment.
- Carrying on a correspondence with real letters, especially the handwritten kind.
- Correct spelling of phrases.
- Waiting several minutes (or even hours!) to download something.
- Putting film in your camera: 35mm may have some life still, but what about APS or disk? And sending that film away to be processed. And having physical prints of photos come back to you.
- Getting lost. With GPS coming to more and more phones, your location is only a click away.
- Using a stick to point at information on a wallchart
- Vacuum cleaners with bags in them.
- Remembering someone’s phone number (in your head).
- Not knowing who was calling you on the phone.
- Kentucky Fried Chicken, as opposed to KFC.
- Finding books in a card catalog at the library.
- Writing a check.
- Looking out the window during a long drive.
- Cash.
- Libraries as a place to get books rather than a place to use the internet.
- A physical dictionary — either for spelling or definitions.
- Cell phones once came in bags... and then with antennas that couldn't be retracted.
- When it was only an extra precaution to wear your seatbelt.
- No TV Guide channel!
- The first AMAZING digital cameras that stored photos on floppy discs.
- "Macintosh" as opposed to Mac.
- Facebook only being for college kids. At SOME colleges. No photos or status updates.
- When AOL was the ONLY web browser, and instead of web addresses, you used keywords... followed by Netscape Navigator.
- Life B.G. --- Before Google
- When it was a big deal to get your first e-mail address... mine was emanri@hotmail.com.
- The hassle of skipping between tracks on audio tapes... it was all trial and error!!
Also, in a post on DownTuned, Von lists the 10 Things the "iPod Generation" Will Never Experience...
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