Tuesday, June 23, 2009

2nd photography class in 24 hours

We had our regularly scheduled photography class today, and we ended up taking an excursion to Hortus Botanicus. It is the oldest botanical garden in the Netherlands and one of the oldest in the world! We saw one plant that had been there since 1610!!

It was very beautiful, and I'm planning on going back sometime! I never knew it was so close!

Today was also one of the warmest days I've seen in Leiden. When we were at the botanical gardens, I was sweating in the humid buildings!

After class, Allison and I went to the HEMA (a sort of Walgreens) to drop of our pictures to get printed for photography. We ran a couple more errands and went back to the dorm. I made lunch and did homework until Emily and I decided to go outide and enjoy the beautiful day.

While we were outside, we heard screeching alarms and realized that they were coming from our building. People with their windows open informed us that the fire alarm was going off on our floor because someone burnt food while cooking. Everyone evacuated the building, and the fire department came to check it out. The alarms were going off for almost 20 minutes, and it took a while for them to OK that we could go back in... That was exciting, and I wish I would have had my camera with me!!

This evening, I just hung out, and we tried to figure out our plans for Germany. We would like to go this weekend, but it will depend on how expensive the train tickets are, and hopefully, we'll find that out tomorrow in Amsterdam.

I also helped Emily dye her hair. It has been a bright pink (she went extreme during her break from dance at school), and we dyed it a dark brown. I wasn't much help, but I supervised and it looks really nice now!

I broke a mirror today, though, so I hope do I don't have 7 years bad luck! We did have some bad luck, because when we went to pick up our photos, we got there just as they were locking the doors... and it's like a 20 min. walk!!

The rest of the night was just relaxing, homework and dinner.

Tomorrow, we're going to Amsterdam with the group, and then a few of us will probably stay in the city later to do the last few things on our list!

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