Monday, June 22, 2009

Terribly long day of classes... 6 hours

Today it felt like we had the worst day... we had to make up a photography class from last week, so we had two three-hour classes. Woe were we! Haha... it wasn't that bad actually. I just thought it was funny how dramatic we were about it.

That pretty much explains what I did today too... I had graphic design in the morning, and we had to turn in our assignment that used texture and lines to demonstrate the rising sea level in Holland. This was my project:

We had an hour lunch break, and Allison, Doug, Drew and I walked over to the University of Leiden cafe. The food was nice, but our main purpose was to get a poster.

They say something to the effect of "the Laktheater (the university theater) should stay," and they are EVERYWHERE around Leiden. Steef told us that by getting one and hanging it up, we are joining in a protest and that protesting is against the rules of the program. He was just giving us a hard time though...

The red part is the actual poster, but I played around with the color and contrast a bit and got this really cool effect of it on my magnetic board!

In the afternoon, we had photography class. I really enjoy class with Lotte because she really teaches practical tools we can use in our photography. Even though I have a lot of experience in it, I still learn from her lessons and find ways I can apply the tools. I really enjoy her class, and I'm looking forward to having it again tomorrow!

After class, I came back to the dorm and hung out for a while. Allison, Drew, Emily and I went to Spaar (the grocery store), and picked up some things for dinner... We made the most delicious dinner: juicy homemade hamburgers and french fries (both on the skillet).

It was kind of a lot of work, but totally worth every second of it. We have all been craving some red meat (they hardly eat any over here!), so this hit the spot. For one of the first times since I've been here, I felt completely full, and it felt great!

For our photography class tomorrow, our assignment is to show 2 photos with a positive surrounding, 2 photos with a negative surrounding and 2 photos that fit with our character we've been developing... Maybe I'll show you those tomrrow...

I'm headed to bed here pretty soon...

(We figured out today that we only have 2 weeks left!)

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