Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 10: Class in Leiden

We started the morning with our second drawing class. Today, we had to draw each other.

Each person got up on a table, and we had 5-10 minutes to sketch the person in whatever pose they were in. We had big easels! It was pretty difficult, but I actually enjoyed the exercise because it helped my sketching loosen up.

Matthijs commented that I didn't seem scared... and it was true!

This is a picture of my drawing of Drew. He was holding a coat rack with a basketball on top, and we were supposed to invent an additional component of the character... Mine was that the coat rack was a woman.

After class, I went with Allison to a computer store to try to get her Internet figured out. (She hasn't been able to get Internet on her computer since we got here, so she's been using other peoples'.) The first store was closed, so we went to another that told us the problem but couldn't fix it. At the next store, she decided to buy a wireless router and try it that way. Long story short, she had to do a few more things and now it finally works! She is a happy camper!

I spent the rest of the afternoon planning for Paris this weekend. I planned out the things we wanted to do, where they were, which Metro stops they were nearby, etc, etc. I am really more anal than most people know, so here is a photo to prove it.

This is one of my maps of Paris. The green post-its are the sites we want to see.

I'm very excited to travel with just a backpack! The hostel we're staying in is called Le Montclair Montmarte. It looks nice from what I can tell, and we're going to have a room to ourselves both nights!

I'm very excited, but I need to get to bed! We're leaving the dorms at 6 a.m. to get to the train station, ride to the airport, check-in and be ready to take-off by 8 a.m. Wish us luck!!

I'm not bringing my computer, but I might be able to check in online at the hostel. Otherwise, I'll fill in the details of the trip on Sunday night when I get back!

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