Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 9: Den Haag

We took our first group trip to Den Haag (The Hague) today. It's hard to remember all of the things we did, but I will try to give a brief overview.

I know we did pretty things, though, because I took nearly 400 pictures!!

We met at the train station at 9:00. The train ride from Leiden Centraal to Den Haag Centraal is only about 15 min, so it went very quickly.

Den Haag is the governmental center of the Netherlands although Amsterdam is the official capital. We also learned that The Hague never officially changed its name to be a city, so it is still a village. This means that there aren't city rights...

When we got there, we walked around and happened to run into a big thing happening at the Queen's palace. Some foreign diplomats were in the country and were arriving by horse and carriage.

We went to the M.C. Esher museum, which was AWESOME. When I told my brother Matt that I was going, his response was: "beware of any stairs, they may not be safe..." Haha!

We ate lunch on our own and then went to two photography/art/etc. museums. I don't remember the names of those...

The third museum was very interesting because it had a special exhibit in the basement. The exhibit was geared toward young adults and aimed at getting their attention in a different way. It was definitely different and attention-getting! There was music and colored lights and couches and things were interactive... I really liked it!

My favorite part was a dress room that we were in. We were looking at the dresses hanging, and the staff person said we could try them on. We thought he was kidding but he wasn't! So we got to play dress up in the museum!

We got back to Leiden about 4:30, and my feet were tired and sore from walking all day.

I came back to the dorm and talked to Chris for a little while before I made dinner. Then Allison and I booked our hostel for Paris and started finalizing some more of those plans. We finished the night by gathering in my room and watching a movie. There were five of us, so it was somewhat crowded, but really fun!

Tomorrow, we have drawing and the afternoon off!

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