Monday, July 13, 2009

Be happier this instant...

This cute little car makes ME happy!

While reading Glamour recently, I came across something truly valuable and actually worthwhile... "10 Ways To Feel Happier This Instant."

I think these ideas are good advice for anyone! My personal favorites are numbers 3, 6 and 10...
  1. Have a cookie before noon or a drink before 5 p.m. You rebel, you.
  2. Close your eyes. Relive your most magical kiss ever.
  3. Do an unpleasant thing you could put off forever but finish in a minute. Keyboard cleaning, yes! (This is sooo true! After reading this, I hung my diploma on the wall... Something I've been meaning to do, but just haven't.)
  4. Make your next pedicure something funny, like OPI's Party in My Cabana pink.
  5. Overtip. (Strangely, this DOES make a person feel better... huh?)
  6. Try the tree pose. Tough to worry about anything buy keeling over, right? (Haha... I'm definitely going to have to try this one when I'm feeling particularly stressed!)
  7. Facebook-stalk the "unattainable" guys you had crushes on at 15. Half are fat and balding, guaranteed.
  8. Smile. Fake happiness always ends up feeling at least a little like the real thing.
  9. Resist: the $250 shoes, the third doughnut, picking the (same old) fight. Sometimes happiness is about what you don't do.
  10. Think back one more time to heroic Sully, landing that plane gently and flawlessly on the Hudson River. (Sully was quite the hero, wasn't he?)

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