It was really sad leaving on Monday morning. My room looked so empty, and I almost cried when I had to lock my door and leave.
Allison and I walked to the train station with our bags, and it was SOOO hard! The cobblestones are not easy on suitcase rollers - it took us 45+ minutes, when it usually takes 15!! The suitcases felt like they weighed 200 pounds, and we had to make a few pit stops to rest. Our last views of the canals were bittersweet...
The flights went really well. On the one from Amsterdam to Dublin, I fell asleep before we took off, and it felt like we were on a train, not an airplane. Even the trans-Atlantic flight went smoothly. We did a pre-customs thing in Dublin, so we got to breeze through in Chicago. And we were home!!
Chris picked me up, and we drove back to Des Moines. I spent the next day with my mom in Des Moines, and then Dad came up for dinner at HuHot... YUM!!
I started back to work on Thursday, and now I'm just getting back into a routine... When I got to work, I had a note sitting on my desk that said:
"Dear Emilee- Here are the things you missed while you were gone...
- "I left - and came back. -Alex
- "We started having snack day EVERY DAY! -Jenna
- "We take ocasional yoga breaks! -Jess
- "Nannerpuss!!! -Kim
- "Michael Jackson died
- "The map is filling up with kids
- "We missed you.
- "I am excited to meet you!
- "We've been admiring your stapler.
- "Patience called, she said she wanted to host a student. Then she called and said she didn't want to host. Then she called and said she wanted to host, and then she called and I said, 'She can't host.' -Christelle"

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